Goddess Bouquet
This eye catching statement wedding bouquet has been crafted using the highest quality artificial flowers and greenery. The unusual eucalyptus is lightly brushed with delicate gold tones to create another depth to the colour range.
Flowers within the bouquet include garden roses, berries, ferns, eucalyptus and green allium. As well as a whole host of beautiful dried elements. The colours are all muted so will easily match in with any colour scheme, We can create matching bridesmaid bouquets upon request. Please contact us for more information on our packages.
Size: across the middle, approx. 35cm and down the middle inc drop approx. 45cm
Colour: various tones of cream/ivory/various greens
Quantity: 1 bouquet
Packaging: Acid Free tissue paper and an Innocent Chaos branded card box.
Materials: Artificial flowers/greenery, ribbon, wire, dried flowers.
Handle finish: Hand bound in moss green and gold ribbons.
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